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Road Tech Marine

Australia’s new supplier of parts & accessories for the boating & off-road enthusiast.

We would like to explain to you who we are and how we hope to be able to relate to your needs. The main clue is in our name – Road Tech Marine. Our plan is to become a truly national supplier of parts and accessories for the growing market of enthusiasts who regularly hit the road and/or water in search of adventure. We have no bias towards boating or caravanning. You will find an even spread of products for boating, caravanning and off-road enthusiasts.
Our Road Tech products will appeal to anyone who travels the country in specially configured, self propelled or towed equipment which enables a degree of comfort to be enjoyed over straight camping. Whether you are looking to trick out your 4WD and camper trailer or you belong to the growing army of those affectionately known as the “Grey Nomads”.

We’d like to help you take more of your comforts from home on the road!

And no, we are not a straightforward camping goods supplier. We do not sell tents, but we sell lots of stuff that could go in a tent. (We do not sell fishing rods, either.) There are plenty of suppliers who do a great job selling stuff like that.

Marine 2
Road Tech Marine

Opening Times:


8:30am - 5:30pm


8:30am - 5:30pm


8:30am - 5:30pm


8:30am - 7:00pm


8:30am - 5:30pm


8:30am - 5:00pm


9:00am - 4:00pm

Call us: (02) 4302 7811

Our Website: https://www.roadtechmarine.com.au/